Justin Bieber the Teenage Twat Bag





   Can we really be surprised as to the direction that Justin Bieber is heading? I really don’t care for him from what I have seen but this is not the first time that we have seen such behaviors. In fact this is more like how Leaf Garrett acted in the 70’s. Of course this little fuck head irritates me. He is clearly on drugs. As a person who has hung around a wide variety of groups I can see the signs of certain drug use. Ecstasy for example is one of them. How can I tell might you ask? Well I think these things and I am alleging them for this reason; look at his fucking eyes and all of the photos while he was in London he was topless, with a water bottle in a city that is known for its use of ecasty and cocaine. How do I know this? Drugs Inc. motherfucker. Whenever it is someone that is less of a clean figure when they start in the industry no one is afraid to allege someone else for being on drugs but when you are suppose to be the pop king everyone blows smoke up your ass.  I know you whisper, “ That dude is on something.” Don’t act like you don’t. This wouldn’t bother me as much if it weren’t for the fact that HE’S A GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKEN PUBLIC FIGURE. There are young girls that have said they wanted to cut themselves over him. Yeah maybe he should think about his image a little more. Then what’s with the alleged  spitting and peeing in a bucket? We all drink under age I did and most of my friends did but I at least tried to show some class and act like I was sober. Holy shit dude you need to ton it down. Look at your counter parts that are under age and parting but keeping it on the dl. Fuck man is you for real? Now back to the spitting on the crowd. That is gross as fuck.  What the hell there is a crowd of people and that shit is not doctored. That is not ok and who knows what nasty ass skank you have been hooking up with. As a metal journalist I know what hangs around back stage. I see it.  This of course is just my opinion from what I see with a puff piece written all around it. Personally I wasn’t surprised by any of this. I knew it was coming, we needed a new tradgy. In all honest I just hope he doesn’t hurt anyone else in the process, like a Vince Neil/ Leaf Garrett kind of move. That is the only problem when people have no bounds and to much money, the excess. Just to say it I am really distrupted that I have to see him without a shirt. The picture I really want of him not wearing a shirt is a Perez picture so I’m giving you the link to the picture I’m using as an example with Kat Dennings (cutie for sure) saying he needs to wear a shirt too. http://perezhilton.com/2013-08-01-kat-dennings-clears-tweet-shirtless-justin-bieber-uncomfortable#.UfteHY5hvdk


Here is another with him drinking: http://perezhilton.com/2013-07-31-justin-bieber-underage-drinking-nyc-nightclub#.UftgKo5hvdk

